Northern Centre for Mood Disorders

Improving the clinical care of patients through research

Current studies Join the register

Welcome to NCMD

The Northern Centre for Mood Disorders (NCMD) brings together those who are interested in advancing treatment and care in conditions such as depressive illnesses and bipolar disorders.

This website provides pages on our current and past studies, NCMD news updates and our upcoming events.

See our 'Educational' tab to find out more about Mood disorders and their treatment and read Articles and publications of interest.

Related Websites

Out of the Blues is our charity for research into mood disorders.

See Northern Mental Health Support for self-help resources and guidance on managing your mental health.

About NCMD

NCMD's Academic Lead is Professor Hamish McAllister-Williams supported by an Executive Committee with CNTW, Newcastle University and lay membership.

EngageFMS logo Institute of Neuroscience logo Cumbria Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

Improve patient care

The first major goal of NCMD is to improve the care of patients with mood disorders. NCMD aims to achieve this through greater research into the underpinnings, and treatment of, mood disorders. In addition, NCMD will act as a focus for the development and implementation of cutting edge therapies and the development of optimised patient pathways. NCMD will have strong links with the Regional Affective Disorders Service (RADS) and the National Adolescent Mood Disorders Service (NSAMS) within CNTW.


Cutting edge research

The second major goal of NCMD is to undertake cutting edge research in mood disorders. Current strengths within the Trust and the Newcastle University (particularly within the Institute of neuroscience) will be enhanced through increased collaborative links both internally and externally. A key element of the strategy to increase national research funding will be the creation of large NCMD Research Register of individuals, both patients and healthy subjects, willing to take part in research. The aim to make NCMD one of the “go to” centres in the UK by funders such as the National Institute for Mental Health, when commissioning research.



The third major goal is education related to mood disorders. This third strand of activity will support the first two goals. NCMD will develop a strong and comprehensive educational portfolio aimed at health care professionals in both secondary and primary care. NCMD will also provide training and support for individuals wishing to develop their research skills or pursue an academic career. An additional important element of NCMD’s work will centre on public engagement. NCMD will host public educational events, starting this autumn, and have an active media presence. The aim is to break down stigma and increase awareness and understanding of mood disorders, fostering engagement with the design of research, as well as facilitating participation in research.

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